Lard Language Reference Manual
- The Standard Library
- Descriptions of each of the types, functions and other components
that make up the standard library.
- Other Libraries
- Descriptions of the other libraries including input/output,
channel communication and time.
- The LARD Strings Package
- How to use strings in LARD programs.
- Formatted Data I/O in LARD
- How to use the LARD `printf' like formatted I/O functions.
- The LARD Arbitrary Precision Integer Package: mpint
- How to use the LARD interface to the GNU gmp library.
- References and Arrays of References in LARD
- Passing objects by reference (by explicit pointers) and arrays of references.
The following sections are a little out of date and a bit cryptic; you
may find it easier to refer to the tutorial for information about the
basic program structure.
- Lexicography and Syntax
- Declarations and Scope
- Infix Expressions
- How to define your own infix expressions.