A dcode file is a byte stream. It contains three parts; a magic number that identifies it as a dcode file, a sequence of infix expression declarations, and a body declaration. The following BNF gives the deail.
dcode ::= magic_number infix_decls '\0' expr expr ::= fcall_expr | num_expr | string_expr | char_expr fcall_expr ::= 'F' identifier args '\0' identifier ::= string args ::= { 'A' expr }* num_expr ::= 'N' num string_expr ::= 'S' string char_expr ::= 'C' char string ::= char* '\0' infix_decls ::= { 'I' infix_decl }* infix_decl ::= identifier priority associativity priority ::= num associativity ::= 'L' | 'R' | 'N'The magic number is a word that includes the LARD version numbeer. The lexemes of this BNF are num, which indicates a word stored in binary, char, which indicates a character, and the literal characters enclosed in ''.
dcode is bytesex sensitive.