September 23-24, 2009
University of Leicester.
Submissions are invited for presentation at the fifth UK Embedded Forum,
to be held in Leicester, September 23-24, 2009. Submission deadline
is May 8th, 2009.
The UK Embedded Forum is a workshop for UK-based PhD students working in
the general area of embedded systems, which includes both hardware and
software aspects, such as System-on-Chip design and Real-Time issues.
The important subject area of embedded systems covers computer-based
consumer products containing sophisticated software and hardware
applications. Design of embedded systems must take into account a wide
variety of constraints: performance, code size, power consumption,
presence of real-time tasks, and maintainability. The best trade-off
often involves optimising a large number of different parameters.
Solutions can be proposed at different levels of abstraction, making use
of an assortment of tools and methodologies.
- To bring together those involved in research on different aspects of
embedded systems;
- To provide means for quick publication of work in progress, and valuable
feedback from referees and others.
- keynote speech by industrial speaker
Submissions are invited from individuals who are currently registered as
PhD students at UK Universities. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- embedded software design: predictable design methodologies, design
with networked system environments, design space exploration
- software/hardware and software/software codesign for embedded systems
- hardware/software analysis, verification and test for embedded systems
- embedded Linux and real-time Operating Systems
- scheduling and WCET techniques for real-time systems
- embedded System-on-Chip architectures
- wireless techniques for embedded systems
- novel embedded signal processing techniques
- low power design for embedded systems
- security design for embedded systems
- interference and error tolerance
- System-on-Chip techniques for embedded computing
- novel I/O techniques and applications
- System-level design
- on-line and off-line testing techniques
- Simulation techniques for embedded systems
- Verification of embedded designs and tools
- Benchmarking for embedded systems
- Employment of DSPs in embedded systems
- Data streaming and multimedia in embedded systems
- Hardware/software support for real-time applications
- Code transformation and program parallelization for embedded systems
- Java-enabled devices
- Case studies
Benefits of attendance include:
- early dissemination of ideas and results
- keep up to date with the latest developments
- make contacts with other researchers in your area
- informal atmosphere
- low conference fee
Workshop proceedings are expected to be published by IET. Instructions
can be found at
Papers must be original work, not under consideration elsewhere, and
copyright will be assigned to IET.
Submission and deadlines
All papers are refereed by the programme committee. There is a size limit
of 10 pages per submission, IET style. Presentation format is 20 minutes,
plus 5 minutes for questions and discussions. Authors are required to
submit a pdf file electronically; please e-mail to, no later than May 8th, 2009. Authors will be
informed of the program committee's final decision by the end of May. The
final version of the paper is due on July 3rd. As a result of the review
process, authors may be asked to present a poster instead of giving a
Registration and accommodation
The workshop is held at the University of Leicester. Details about the
location will be announced in due course. The registration fee will be
around 75 pounds, including one night bed and breakfast, the workshop
dinner, and printed proceedings. The actual price will be announced
nearer the time of the workshop.
Local organisation
Southampton University. Contacts:
Prof. M. Pont (
Programme committee
Dr. I. Bate University of York
Dr. L. Brackenbury University of Manchester
Prof. A. Brown University of Southampton
Dr. A. Bystrov University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Dr. C. Clarke Bath University
Dr. A. Koelmans University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Dr. W. Luk Imperial College
Dr. K. Maharatna University of Southampton
Dr. A. McEwan University of Leicester
Dr. K. McDonald-Maier University of Essex
Dr. N. Nissanke South Bank University
Dr. J. Nunez-Yanez University of Bristol
Dr. M. Pont University of Leicester
Dr. S. Sezer Queen's University Belfast
Dr. M. Short University of Leicester
Dr. T. Vladimirova University of Surrey
Dr. R. Woods Queen's University Belfast
Prof. M. Zwolinski University of Southamption