Elliott 903 Algol plotting procedures ------------------------------------- 13-JAN-2001 If you are starting from scratch you need to download both SIM900AL.ZIP and the new PLOTAL.ZIP. Between them they have all the readme files. Although PLOTAL contains, as it were, the "plotter hardware" and library procedures for plotting, the Algol compiler has not changed and is therefore not included. The plotter hardware is, of course, the VDU screen and was developed on a VGA graphics system. Maybe it will not run on your VDU and, if so, you could contact me (see end of MANUAL3.TXT) and I might be able to prepare a version which does. To install plotting just overwrite some old files with these three new ones namely "LIBRARY.DAT", SIM900AL.EXE" and "SIM900AL.ADA". There are several demonstration programs. "CORNU.DAT" draws a Cornu spiral. "SUNDIAL.DAT" plots a graph showing sundial timekeeping throughout a year and is faster to run. "NAVIG.DAT" plots the ellipses within which a ship is likely to lie with various probabilities, given four position lines from star sights. "MOON.DAT" draws the Apollo 8 journey in 1968 under simplifying assumptions, but runs very slowly; you are advised to run "MOONQUIK.DAT" instead. "LOOP.DAT" shows the path of an aeroplane doing a loop the loop, again under simplyfing assumptions. "WALK.DAT" just does a random walk of 1000 steps. Plotting is in pixel units instead of in plotter steps. The resident procedures like COS and SIN did not include the plotter material because of its size, therefore plotting programs had to be translated in library mode. This is also the case with the simulator. The procedure, SETORIGIN (see manual3.doc), has a different and more appropriate action; its two parameters, X and Y, determine the pixel count from the left and from the top of the screen to the origin of plotting coordinates. If not used then the default values are 320 and 160 which place the origin in the middle of some VDUs. The DOS manual says that to print the screen you first give the graphics command and then type SHIFT+PRINTSCREEN, but this did not always work for me. DGNH