LARD Language Reference: Standard Language

Alphabetical Index

An index by category is also available.

! Boolean NOT
!= Inequality
&& Boolean AND
>> Shift right
> Greater than
>= Greater or equal
<< Shift left
< Less than
<= Less or equal
* Multiplication
+ Addition
- Unary minus
- Subtraction
-> Field selection
. Declaration/expression seperator
/ Division
:: Field declaration
: Declaration without definition
:= Assignment
; Sequential evaluation
= Equality
@ String concatenation
[] Vector indexing
[] Sparse array indexing
[_,_,_] etc. Vector construction
^ Vector type
_:_=_ Declaration with definition
{_,_,_} etc. Record construction
| Parallel evaluation
|| Boolean OR
and Bitwise AND
assert_version Check version of toolkit being used
atexit Register expression to be evaluated when program terminates
bool Boolean type
c2s Convert character to singleton string
case_when_=>_ ... default_ Case statement with default
case_when_=>_ ... Case statement
cast Cast one type to another
char Character type
class Classes
destroy_sparse_array Destroy sparse array
endstringvalparam Finalise string val parameter
endstringvar Finalise string variable
endstringvarparam Finalise string var parameter
eval Evaluate expression
exit Terminate program
expr Expressions
false Falsehood
fatal Report error and terminate
foreach_in_do_ Iterate over array elements
forever Infinite repetitive evaluation
forpar_do_ Iterative parallel evaluation
forparnum Iteration number for parallel evaluation
forseq_in_to_do_ Iterative sequential evaluation
i2hex Convert integer to hex string
i2s Convert integer to decimal string
if_then_ Conditional evaluation
if_then_else_ Alternative conditional evaluation
init_sparse_array Initialise sparse array
int Integer type
is Name a block of code for the benefit of the debugger
islib Empty library
lib Libraries
mkexpr Make expression from value
mod Modulus
mytid TID of current thread
newstringvalparam Initialise string val parameter
newstringvar Initialise string variable
newstringvarparam Initialise string var parameter
not Bitwise NOT
null No value
or Bitwise OR
ord Ordinal value
overloaded Overloaded identifiers
peek Read randomly from within a variable
poke Write randomly to within a variable
pred Predecessor
Possible thread prorities
priority Type of possible thread priorities
promote_waits Increase priority of threads from PRI_DEMWAIT to PRI_WAIT
rand Random number generator
read Read from variable
record Record type
repeat_until_ Repetitive evaluation with postcondition
returnstringvalparam Return string val parameter as result of funtion
returnstringvar Return string variable as result of funtion
returnstringvarparam Return string var parameter as result of funtion
running Check if a thread is still running
scalar Scalars
setmypriority Set priority of current thread
setpriority Set priority of specified thread
sizeof_type Size of type's representation
sizeof_val Size of value's representation
sizeof_var Size of variable's representation
sparse_array Sparse array type
spawn Start concurrent thread
strcmp Compare two strings and return value <, = or > 0 as appropriate.
strindex Return nth character of a string
string String type
strlen Return length of a string
succ Successor
tcl_cmd Pass a command to the tcl interpreter
tcl_cmd_noerr Pass a command to the tcl interpreter, and ignore any error
tcl_cmd_int Pass a command to the tcl interpreter and return an integer result
tcl_cmd_str Pass a command to the tcl interpreter and return a string result
true Truth
type Types
use Use declarations from library
val Values
val_index_record Low-level field selection
var Variables
var_index_record Low-level field selection
varargs Varargs identifiers
void Voids
wait_until Suspend thread
while_do_ Repetitive evaluation with precondition
xor Bitwise XOR
yield Deschedule current thread