
This program takes a .out trace file produced by TimeMill and converts it to a file suitable for viewing with AReview, a waveform drawing tool developed by ARM Ltd. The largest task involved in this is the need to recognise the signals that constitute a bus and produce the appropriate AReview bus definitions.


                busparse basename

Input Files

The name of trace file produced by TimeMill. The .out extension will be added will be added if needed.

Output Files

The trace converted to AReview format. The basename section of the filename is derived from the input filename

Detailed Behaviour

In the main, the format of the .out and .trc files are very similar, so most of the information is copied directly from one file to the other.

When converting buses into the AReview format it is necessary to allow for buses in which not all the signals are defined in the trace file. AReview cannot cope with a bus definition with non-contiguous indices. If non-contiguous indices are detected, the bus is split into pieces with contiguous indices.

Furthermore there is a practical limit on the number of signals that can be grouped into a single bus in AReview. As a result large buses are split into sections of no more than 32 signals.

As well as adding appropriate bus definitions to the .trc file, the program converts the hierarchy separator character from '.' to '_', as required by AReview.

Implementation Language

Perl release 5.001d or greater.

Copyright and Licence

The copyright and any intellectual property rights associated with this work are retained by the author and the University of Manchester, but permission is granted to freely copy, distribute, modify and use this software under certain conditions, as described in the Artistic Licence (with the deletion of clause 8). This licence is obtained from the Perl distribution.

Source Code

Subject to the licensing arrangements described above, the source code may be obtained from http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/amulet/projects/horn/busparse

TimeMill is a registered trademark of EPIC Design Technology Inc, 2901 Tasman drive, Suite 212, Sata Clara, CA 95054.

     PROJECT LOGO This software was developed as part of the OMI HORN project at the University of Manchester Department of Computer Science, funded as part of the European Union ESPRIT initiative (project number 7249).

Rhod Davies (rhod@cs.man.ac.uk)
This page last modified Tue Apr 2 1996 14:07:56