to get = conseguir to be = estar to be TEMPORARILY to make = hacer to make or to do to go = ir to ask = preguntar to ask as in to ask a question to be = ser to be PERMANENTLY to have = tener to have as in to posses to shave = afeitarse to love = amar to go to bed = acostarse to walk = andar to open = abrir to learn = aprendar to pass = aprobar to pass as in to pass a test to help = ayudar to tidy = arreglar to stir = agitar to hire = alquiar to have a bath = bañarse to sweep = barrer to look = buscar to look FOR to fall = caer to get married = casarse to close = cerrar to check = comprobar to count = contar to count or to tell to correct = corregir to be quiet = callarse to close = cerrar to answer = contestar to copy = copiar to correct = corregir to behave = comportarse to cook = cocinar to cut = cortar to exchange = cambiar to contain = contener to catch = coger to drive = conducir to buy = comprar to know = conocer to know a person or place to owe = deber to disobey = desobedecer to have to = deber to awaken = despertarse to return = devolver to return as in to give back to hurt = doler to hurt as in to feel pain to sleep = dormir to give = dar to say = decir to hate = detestar to leave = dejar to draw = dibujar to sketch = diseñar to describe = describir to last = durar to disembark = desembarcar to send = enviar to ski = esquiar to make a mistake = equivocarse to teach = enseñar to begin = empezar to light = encender to light or to turn on to understand = entender to find = encontrar to choose = elegir to listen = escuchar to write = escribir to explain = explicar to study = estudiar to embark = embarcar to hope = esperar to smoke = fumar to win = ganar to be found = hallarse to be found or to be situated to play = jugar to play A GAME to wash = lavarse to wash ONESELF to get up = levantarse to wear = llevar to rain = llover to arrive = llegar to read = leer to clean = limpiar to call = llamar to show = mostrar to move = mover to die = morirse to bother = molestar to bother as in to disturb to watch = mirar to watch or to look at to need = necesitar to snow = nevar to swim = nadar to obtain = obtener to hear = oír to spend = pasar to spend as in to spend time to skate = patinar to paint = pintar to introduce = presentar to think = pensar to lose = perder to prefer = preferir to be able to = poder to ask for = pedir to put = poner to pay = pagar to permit = permitir to prepare = preparar to try = probar to try on = probarse to pronounce = pronunciar to iron = planchar to want = querer to remember = recordar to ask = rogar to ask or to beg to laugh = reírse to repeat = repetir to reserve = reservar to recommend = recomendar to steal = robar to break = romper to go out = salir to sit = sentarse to feel = sentirse to feel as in to sense to be accustomed to = soler to follow = seguir to follow or to continue to serve = servir to know = saber to know as in to know how to do something to suppose = suponer to take = sacar to take out or get as in tickets to underline = subrayar to fail = suspender to suggest = sugerir to go up = subir to finish = terminar to bring = traer to play = tocar to play AN INSTRUMENT to work = trabajar to cough = toser to take = tomar to take or to drink to be worth = valer to live = vivir to come = venir to return = volver to return as in to come back to vomit = vomitar to see = ver to visit = visitar to travel = viajar to sell = vender