Thanks for interest in LDiff-Fame. We provide two executable jar files, namely, Forgetter.jar and LDiff.jar. Forgetter.jar is a prototype (with a GUI) for forgetting in the description logic ALC. One can run it by typing in command line: java -jar Forgetter.jar. LDiff.jar is a tool that allows one to compute the logical difference Diff(O1, O2) between two ontologies O1 and O2. The input are O1, O2 and a path specifying the location where you want the output to be saved; see the following example. O1: file:///C:/Users/XXX/Desktop/snomed_ct/snomed_ct_australian.owl O2: file:///C:/Users/XXX/Desktop/snomed_ct/snomed_ct_intl_20170731.owl Path: C:\\Users\\XXX\\Desktop\\snomed_ct The output are a set of witnesses, a set of explicit witnesses and a set of implicit witnesses, represented as owl.xml files. We also include the test data in the folder. Thank you very much!