Uses of Class

Packages that use IsolateStartupException
java.lang.isolate Provides for the creation and management of isolated applications. 

Uses of IsolateStartupException in java.lang.isolate

Methods in java.lang.isolate that throw IsolateStartupException
 void Isolate.start(java.lang.isolate.IsolateMessage[] messages)
          Indicate that the isolate this Isolate represents is to begin execution.

Constructors in java.lang.isolate that throw IsolateStartupException
Isolate(String mainClass, String[] mainArgs)
          Creates a new isolated java application with a default configuration.
Isolate(String mainClass, String[] mainArgs, TransientPreferences context, java.lang.isolate.IsolateMessage stdin, java.lang.isolate.IsolateMessage stdout, java.lang.isolate.IsolateMessage stderr)
          Creates a new isolated java application with the specified context and standard i/o bindings.