Probability is a notion which we use to deal with uncertainty. If an
event can have an number of outcomes, and we don't know for certain
which outcome will occur, we can use probability to describe the
likelihood of each of the possible events. The classic example is
flipping a coin. There are two possible outcomes: the coin could come
up heads or tails. Since we don't know which will occur, we say that
there is a probability for each of the two events. Probabilities are
denoted as numbers between and
, with
meaning the outcome
definitely will not occur and
meaning it definitely will
occur. You expect that if you flip a coin it is equally likely to
come up heads or tails; the probability is
for each outcome.
However, probability is not just any numeric expression of
uncertainty between and
. It is
defined in a particular way with specific rules of calculation. These
rules will be discussed below.
Probability calculus is not the only formalism for expressing
uncertainty, but it is the most important. It is of fundamental
importance in scientific reasoning, and is widely used to model
uncertainty and random processes in scientific and engineering