
This program checks that the signal behaviour shown in the .out trace file produced by aTimeMill® simulation meets the constraints of an asynchronous 4 phase bundled data protocol. In addition to the basic bundling constraints this program checks set up and hold times with respect to the handshake signals and also checks for clean transitions on the handshake signals.

The program has been designed to examine the worst cases for the set up and hold times. It also produces statistics about the timing of the active period (between req and ack) for each bundle, and about the minimum set up and hold times for each bundle, allowing the identification and reduction of overly conservative matching delays.

The data bundles, the active edges of the handshake signals and the set up and hold times are defined in a .check file that may be shared with other checking programs. These .check files may be built up into a hierarchy matching the hierarchy of the design.

To avoid spurious errors during the initialisation of the simulation, it is possible to set a time before which all errors are ignored.



           bundles [-layout] unitname [checkfile]
This flag specifies that the trace file was generated from a layout. The default is to assume a trace generated from a schematic. This flag selects the appropriate way of building hierarchical signal names to match those in the trace files.

The name of the design unit you wish to process. (This may include the .out extension for the trace file). This unitname is used to derive the names of the input files. To allow the bundle checking of traces bigger than can be stored in the available disc space, this program has the ability to accept the trace input on stdin, thereby allowing a direct pipe connection between the simulator and the bundle checker. To specify the use of input on stdin, the unitname must be given as `stdin' and the checkfile must be specified explicitly.

The name of the file that defines the data bundles. The '.check' extension may be included or omitted. If this optional argument is not included, the check file name is derived from the unitname.

Input files

The trace file produced by TimeMill®. The program is designed to be robust in the face of truncated trace files, allowing the check to be run on traces that have been aborted before completion of the simulation. By providing partial results from such incomplete runs a lot of time can be saved by avoiding having to re-execute large simulations.

The file defining the data bundles, handshake signals, active edges, set up and hold times, ignored period and check file hierarchy. The format of this file is described later.

Output Files

Output is written to stdout. Errors are logged on stderr.

The output produced by the tool should be self explanatory, but is very verbose. The test.results file is an example of this output. The results may be divided into 3 parts:

  1. The Header This describes the way in which the analysis has been set up, listing the files accessed, the times at which those files were created, any default values used, the number of bundles defined, the hierarchical prefixes and any ignored period. Indentation is used to indicate the use of hierarchical .check files.

  2. The Errors This section includes a separate message for every error on every signal. These errors appear in the order in which they were detected. Further details of the types of error and the ways in which they are measured are given later.

  3. The Statistics This data starts with a summary of the number of each type of error detected. It then provides information about each bundle, detailing the number of cycles and the maximum, minimum and average active times, where the active time is defined at the time between req and ack (see diagram). These activity statistics are sorted to present the bundle with the largest average active time at the top of the list. Examination of this information may indicate bottlenecks in the asynchronous pipelines.

    In order to preserve the formatting and keep the table easy to read, long signal names will be truncated. This is done by removing characters from the left hand end of the name and adding the prefix '+++' to indicate that a truncation has occurred.

    The activity time statistics are followed by lists of the minimum set up and hold times for each bundle. Although it is essential for the correct operation of the circuit that set up and hold times are not violated, it is desirable from the point of view of performance that the excess delays beyond these required set up and hold times should be as small as possible, since they represent wasted time during which no useful work can be performed. The production of the minimum set up and hold time statistics makes it possible to identify and optimise any overly conservative delay paths. Note that if there are violations, these set up and hold times may be negative.

The raw output of this tool may be processed into a rather more readable form using the summarisebundles utility.

Example files

Examples of the input files and the output they produce are available on line:
test.out (15k)
This is an artificially created trace file in the same format that TimeMill® produces. This has been designed to test most branches of the bundles program. It is heavily annotated to explain the tests that it is performing and the expected results.

test.check (3.5k)
An example of a .check file with definitions of bundles etc. This is a top level file, which calls another subordinate .check file.

testinclude.check (3.5k)
A further example of a .check file. This one is subordinate to test.check in the design hierarchy.

test.results (8k)
The results produced from test.out and test.check.

Format of the .check file

The file format used to select the signals to be monitored is designed so that the same data file may be used by a variety of programs: the bundle checker only pays attention to information between the lines "start bundle" and "stop bundle" (or the end of the file). Anything before or after these lines is totally ignored. The elements that may appear in the bundles definition are:

Blank lines and comments
Comments are introduced by a semi-colon as the first character on a line. Comments and blank lines are ignored.

Definitions of default set up and hold times
The use of default values makes it simple to set up and change the latch characteristics for all bundles, on the assumption that the characteristics for all latches will be the same. If the defaults are not suitable, more precise definitions of the set up and hold times for the relevant latches may be included in the bundles definitions lines. The default definition lines take the form:
def sut = 1
def ht  = 0
The times are in units of nanoseconds. These defaults only apply to bundles declared in the same file. The values take effect from the point of the declaration until the end of the file unless they are overwritten by a further default definition in the same file. The scope of these definitions is important in the use of hierarchical check files, since it means that each level in the hierarchy may have different defaults. Until a default value is set in the current file, the default values from the level above it in the hierarchy will be used. At the very top level program defined default values (sut = 1ns, ht = 0.5ns) are used until more explicit definitions are given.

Bundle definitions
Each of these lines declares a single bundle. The lines take the form of a list of fields separated by white space:
req       ack      reqedge   ackedge  sut   ht    bundle
req and ack

The names of the request and acknowledge signals for this bundle. The syntax for these names is given later.

reqedge and ackedge

The active edges of the request and acknowledge signals. These two signals do not need to be active on the same edge. These fields may contain:

  • "r" for a rising edge.

  • "f" for a falling edge.

sut and ht

The set up and hold times for this bundle. These fields may contain:

  • A number which is used as a time (in nanoseconds).

  • "*" which indicates that the currently active default values should be used.

  • "-" which indicates a don't care condition, in which case the appropriate check is not performed on this bundle.

The data signals in this bundle. This is a space separated list of bus and signal names. The syntax of these names is given later.

Continuation lines

These declare further data signals to be included in the preceding bundle declaration. They are provided to improve formatting by avoiding the need for very wide declaration lines. Continuation lines consist of a "+" as the first character on a line, followed by some whitespace followed by a space separated list of signal and bus names. There may be more than one continuation line for each bundle. For example

req2  ack2  f  r  * 3     data2[10:8]
;now some continuation lines
+                         data2[7:3]
+                         data2[1:0]
Hierarchy declaration

This declaration is used to set up a hierarchy of .check files, as described later. The syntax is:
  include filename prefix
At the point at which this line is encountered, the check file filename.check is opened and processed, including any further check files that it may include. Once the included file has been exhausted examination of the current file continues after this line.

The prefix given in the hierarchy declaration is prepended to all signal names used in the included file (including any other levels of hierarchy).

Prefix declaration

This declaration specifies the prefix that is to be applied to any signal names in the rest of the current .check file. This over-rides any existing hierarchical prefixes and any set by previous prefix commands. It will also affect the generation of hierarchical prefixes for any files included below this one in the hierarchy, but will not affect any files above it. The format is:
  prefix = aPrefix

Ignored time declaration

This declaration makes it possible to avoid spurious errors arising during start up and circuit initialisation by ignoring a set period at the start of the simulation. The format is:
  ignoreuntil 1000
Where the number is the time in nanoseconds at which error monitoring will begin. This mechanism is not ideal since the same period will apply to all traces run under the same checkfile, but it is better than nothing. Ignore periods may be declared in more than one of the files in the checkfile hierarchy, in which case the the longest of the ignored periods is used.

Alias declarations

This declaration is used to circumvent the fact that a signal may have several aliases at different levels in the design hierarchy and although only one of those aliases will appear in any given trace file, if the same .check file is to be included into several levels in the hierarchy, the different traces may make use of different names. The syntax is:

  alias signal_name alias_name
The use of aliases is described in more detail in the section on the syntax of signal names.

Using hierarchical .check files

The .check files that declare bundles may be arranged hierarchically to match the hierarchical design style that is normally employed. There should be one check file for each of the hierarchical design units. This allows independent testing of the units in the hierarchy, gradually building up to a test of the whole design. A typical design flow would involve the design and testing of the lowest level units, then the grouping of theses together to form a number of higher level units which could then be tested, followed by further grouping and testing until the design is complete. This form of development and testing is supported by the include directive that may be used in .check files. This allows the inclusion of the check file for a lower level in the hierarchy.

As the hierarchy is built up, signal names are generated by adding the hierarchical unit names to the front of the signal name; for example "unit2.unit1.unit0.signal". At each level the .check file should use the signal name as it would be used in a design unit at the corresponding level in the hierarchy. As the checkfile is included into a larger hierarchy, the full signal names are generated by prepending the prefixes given as part of the include statement. Note that a .check file can easily refer to signals at a lower level in the hierarchy (using a suitably prefixed signal name), but there are also facilities for referencing signals at higher levels, as described in the next section.

When dealing with hierarchical .check files the scoping rules should be understood. These apply to the default set up and hold times and to any aliases. These values are in scope from the point at which they are declared to the end of the file in which they are declared except that they are out of scope within any included files. On return from any included files any of these values return to scope with the values that they had before the include.

Syntax for signal names and buses

As described in the previous section, signal names may be built up hierarchically by adding prefixes as included check files are scanned. Under some circumstances greater control is required over the way that signal names are built up due to the way that aliases may be introduced for signals that cross the boundaries between hierarchical units. This section describes how this may be done and also introduces the shorthand used for bus names.

Firstly, in those places where buses may be used, a series of signals with contiguous indices may be specified with the single description:

The signal and bus names should be given as they would appear in the corresponding level of the design hierarchy, including any hierarchical prefixes. Note that in traces derived from schematics, additional 'x's are included as part of the hierarchical separators, for example, level1.level2.name would appear in the trace as xlevel1.xlevel2.name. The additional characters should not be included in the .check file, they will be added if necessary according to the setting of the -layout command line flag, but be aware that, if a schematic trace is used, the extra characters will be included in the output and error messages.

Where signals are contained entirely within a single hierarchical module, the prefix operation works perfectly, but complications arise where a signal crosses hierarchical boundaries since aliases may be introduced . For example consider an address bus that is used within two design units and linked to them at the next level up in the hierarchy. Within unit1 and its check file the bus may be known as addr[31:0], and that will appear in the trace file and may be used in bundle checking. Similarly within the second unit, it may also be known as addr[31:0] and that will work correctly. However, when the units are linked together and a corresponding .check file is established and the prefixes are added, there will now be 2 names for the same bus: unit1.addr[31:0] and unit2.addr[31:0]. Furthermore, because this same bus appears at the higher level in the design, where it is also known as addr[31:0], neither of these extended names will appear in the trace file, where the highest level name will be used. To avoid the problems that this introduces, signal names may be prepended by one or more '^' characters, each of which indicates that one level of the hierarchical structure should be removed from the signal name. If there are not enough hierarchical sections in the name to match the number of circumflexes, as many as possible are removed and the remainder is used as the signal name. For example:

means a remove up to 2 levels of prefix from a signal name ending with addr, so level2.level1.level0.addr would be converted to level0.addr, while level0.addr would be converted to addr. Using this technique, .check files may be created that may be used at all stages in the hierarchical design without need for modification. In the example given above, the unit1 and unit2 check files would specify the bus as ^addr[31:0], which would allow units 1 and 2 to be checked independently and included into the check for the next level in the hierarchy.

The ^ syntax deals with one special, though common, case of aliasing, where the different design units use the same name for the signals and it is only the different levels in the hierarchy that need to be taken into account. However, the bundles tool has a more general mechanism for dealing with aliases that will cope with the more general case of signals whose names change totally between units. This makes use of a list of aliases generated from the alias declarations in the .check file. Note the the scope of an alias declaration is from the point at which it is declared to the end of that .check file.

When a signal or bus name is encountered either as a handshake signal or a data signal in one of the bus declarations, the following operations are performed:

  1. Any bus declarations are split out into lists of individual signals, and the remaining stages are applied to those individual signals.

  2. Any prefixes arising from the hierarchy of check files are accumulated and added to the front of the signal name.

  3. Hierarchical names are adjusted using the '^' mechanism if required.

  4. If the trace was generated from a schematic, extra 'x' characters are added to the signal name as required.

  5. The signal name is looked up in the .out trace file. If it is not found, the next alias for the original signal name is looked up. If there is another alias it is taken as the signal name and the operation jumps back to step 2.

Note that aliases are found on the basis of the name of the signal as it appears in the check file (including any ^ prefix adjusters). There may be many aliases for each signal and those aliases may include prefix adjusters. Also note that aliases are defined on the basis of individual signals : to declare an alias for an entire bus you must declare individual aliases for each signal in the bus. This approach can be long winded, but it does allow for mapping bus signals to independently named signals or to slices of different buses at different levels in the hierarchy. An example alias declaration might be:
alias ^^addr[0]    ^pc[2]
alias ^^addr[0]    ^^^offset

Error Checks

Diagram of bundling constraints

These are the error checks performed by the tool:

Bad req or bad ack
A bad transition on a handshake signal. For example when a handshake signal goes from 1 to undefined back to 1 instead of making the clean transition 1-u-0.

Bad data
This occurs if a bundled data signal is found to be undefined when req starts to become active (i.e. when req changes from a defined state to the undefined state at the start of an active edge.).

Constraint Violation
This happens when a bundled data signal changes during the period between req becoming active and ack becoming active. To be precise, constraint violations are checked from start of an active edge on req to the end of the active edge on ack.

Set up time violation
When a data signal change is too close to the active edge of the associated req signal, a set up time violation is recorded. The set up time is measured from the end of a transition on a data signal to the start of the active edge on the req signal.

Hold time violation
If a data signal is not held steady long enough after the active edge of the associated ack signal a hold time violation is flagged. The hold time is calculated from the end of the active edge on the ack signal to the start of an edge on the data signal.

Detailed behaviour

The bundling analysis is performed in the following way:

Due to the way in which the bundle analysis is performed, the program may display peculiar behaviour in a few circumstances:

At the moment this tool will only deal with four-phase handshake signalling. It would be simple to include two-phase signalling (in which both edges of the handshake signals are active) into both the operation of the program and the syntax of the check files. However, the need to check extra cases for each handshake signal would reduce the performance slightly, so this function has been omitted for the moment.

It is sometime desirable to obtain information such as that in the activity statistics about the delay between two signals that are not handshake signals. This can be done by declaring a dummy bundle: the signals of interest should be declared as the handshake signals and the appropriate edges declared, set up and hold times should be declared as "don't care" and a single constant signal such as VCC should be declared as the data bundle. The required information will then appear in the activity statistics at the end of the bundle analysis.

Implementation Language

Perl release 5.001d or greater.

Copyright and licence

The copyright and any intellectual property rights associated with this work are retained by the author and the University of Manchester, but permission is granted to freely copy, distribute, modify and use this software under certain conditions, as described in the Artistic Licence (with the deletion of clause 8). This licence is obtained from the Perl distribution.

Source Code

Subject to the licensing arrangements described above, the source code may be obtained from http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/amulet/projects/horn/bundles

TimeMill is a registered trademark of EPIC Design Technology Inc, 2901 Tasman drive, Suite 212, Sata Clara, CA 95054.

     PROJECT LOGO This software was developed as part of the OMI HORN project at the University of Manchester Department of Computer Science, funded as part of the European Union ESPRIT initiative (project number 7249).

Rhod Davies (rhod@cs.man.ac.uk)
This page last modified Tue Apr 9 1996 10:44:48