
The output produced by the 'bundles' bundle analysis program is extremely verbose, with an error message for every error on every signal. Furthermore the output is presented in the order in which the errors were detected without any type of breakdown by the type of error or allowance for errors on many signals within the same bus.

This program processes the output of the bundle checker and presents the results in a more concise and readable form. Despite condensing the data, no information is lost: all the errors encountered in the trace file are reported. The output is sorted according to the type of error (and within an error type according to time). Where the same type of error occurs at the same moment for several signals in a bus, the separate errors are consolidated into one message. There is a further filter called supersumb which compresses the output even further.

The headers indicating the context of the error processing and the activity time statistics produced by the bundle checker are also included in the output of this program.


              summarisebundles [infile]

Input Files

The name of the file containing the raw output of the bundles program. This filename is optional. If it is not given input is read from stdin, making it easy to pass the output of bundles direct into summarisebundles through a pipe.

Output Files

Output is written to stdout. Errors are logged on stderr.

Example of Output

Summary (v1.10) of Bundle analysis (v1.34)
Reading signal definitions from testtmp.out (11:06 18/10/95) schematic format

Default set up time =     1.000 ns
Default hold time   =     0.500 ns
Reading bundle definitions from testtmp.check (16:40 20/10/95)
   Default set up time =     1.000 ns
   Default hold time   =     0.000 ns
4 bundles in total

Performing bundle checks on file test.out.

There were no bad req signals

There were no bad ack signals

There were no bad data signals.


                 xmy.xheir.data3[0] changed at     45.000 ns
between req:               xmy.req3         at     40.000 ns
    and ack                xmy.ack3         at     50.000 ns

                              data1 changed at    180.000 ns
between req:         xmy.xheir.req1         at    170.000 ns
    and ack:                   ack1         at    180.000 ns

                              data1 changed at    216.000 ns
between req:         xmy.xheir.req1         at    215.000 ns
    and ack:                   ack1         at    220.000 ns

                         data2[3:2] changed at    236.000 ns
between req:                   req2         at    235.000 ns
    and ack:                   ack2         at    237.000 ns

                         data2[5:4] changed at    236.500 ns
between req:                   req2         at    235.000 ns
    and ack:                   ack2         at    237.000 ns

                           data2[6] changed at    237.000 ns
between req:                   req2         at    235.000 ns
    and ack:                   ack2         at    237.000 ns

                         data2[1:0] changed at    242.000 ns
between req:                   req2         at    241.000 ns
    and ack:                   ack2         at    244.000 ns

                           data2[3] changed at    243.000 ns
between req:                   req2         at    241.000 ns
    and ack:                   ack2         at    244.000 ns

                           data2[2] changed at    244.000 ns
between req:                   req2         at    241.000 ns
    and ack:                   ack2         at    244.000 ns

Errors on 2 buses/signals


                       data2[5,3:0] changed at              235.000 ns
actual sut :  0.000 ns (<  2.000) before req:               req2

                           data2[1] changed at              241.000 ns
actual sut :  0.000 ns (<  2.000) before req:               req2

Errors on 1 bus/signal


                         data2[2:1] changed at              102.900 ns
actual ht :  2.900 ns (<  3.000) after ack:                 ack2

All errors on 1 bus/signal


Violations: constraint    13	 set up     6	 hold     2	 total    21

Bad signals:	   req     0	    ack     0	 data     0 	 total     0
Simulation terminates at   250.000 ns

Times from req to ack:
                                req/ack                                 calls   avg (ns)   max (ns)          max at (ns)   min (ns)
                        xmy.req3(f)/xmy.ack3(f)                             3      8.167     10.000               50.000      5.000
                            req4(r)/ack4(r)                                 2      7.250      9.500               75.000      5.000
                  xmy.xheir.req1(r)/ack1(f)                                 6      7.233     19.900              150.000      1.000
                            req2(f)/ack2(r)                                 5      3.100      5.000               20.000      0.500
Note how multiple errors for signals in the same bus have been consolidated into a single message. A set of errors on all the bus signals between index m and index n is denoted as busname[n:m]. Where the set of indices is non-contiguous, the indices are separated by commas. For example, in the report above, the set up error for data2[5,3:0] indicates that were were set up errors at the same instant for bus lines 5, 3, 2, 1 and 0.

Implementation Language

Perl release 5.001d or greater.

Copyright and Licence

The copyright and any intellectual property rights associated with this work are retained by the author and the University of Manchester, but permission is granted to freely copy, distribute, modify and use this software under certain conditions, as described in the Artistic Licence (with the deletion of clause 8). This licence is obtained from the Perl distribution.

Source Code

Subject to the licensing arrangements described above, the source code may be obtained from

     PROJECT LOGO This software was developed as part of the OMI HORN project at the University of Manchester Department of Computer Science, funded as part of the European Union ESPRIT initiative (project number 7249).

Rhod Davies (
This page last modified Tue Apr 9 1996 10:45:38