Another approach is to use what are called confidence
intervals. Given the estimated value of , a confidence
interval is an range of values in which the true value of
likely to be. By ``likely'' one often means that the probability that
the true value
falls in the interval is 95%. This is called the
95% confidence interval.
You might know that for a normal distribution it is expected that the
data falls within one standard error 68% of the time, and within two
standard errors about 95% of the time. One says that one has 95%
confidence that the true value is between the estimate minus two
standard errors and the estimate plus two standard errors. Now, the
distribution of the measured estimate is not normal, it is binomial,
but a normal distribution can be approximated by a normal
distribution if the value of
is not too close to
. Or
one can use a binomial table. Figure
shows a graph of the 95%
confidence intervals.
In the example about, we would be 95% confident that the true value
for the probability of a flipped thumbtack landing pointy side up is
between and
. If a more accurate estimate is desired, a
larger number of experiments is required. The size of the interval
will decrease with the square root of the number of experiments.