Meeting / Presentation timetable
Meetings at 4.00 p.m. in Kilburn 2-15 unless otherwise advised.
2010/2011 Academic Year
- 14 Oct: Prof. Steve Furber:"Biologically-Inspired Massively-Parallel Architectures - Computing Beyond a Million Processors"
- 21 Oct: No Meeting.
- 28 Oct: No Meeting
- 04 Nov: No Meeting
11 Nov: Double Bill:
Francesco Galluppi: Interfacing PyNN with the SpiNNaker: A General-purpose Model Translation
System for a Universal Neural Chip
Sergio Davies: Interfacing Real-Time Spiking I/O with the SpiNNaker neuromimetic architecture - 18 Nov: No meeting.
- 25 Nov: Lilian Janin: Graphical debugging tools using IP-based system design, co-simulation and FPGA prototyping.
- 02 Dec:
- 09 Dec:
- 16 Dec:
- 23 Dec: No meeting.
- 27 Jan:
- 17 Mar: Dr Ernie Hill: "From faster computers to stronger aircraft wings – will it live up to expectations?"
- 31 Mar: Vijayanand Nagarajan: "Monitoring Parallel Programs on Multicores for Performance and Reliability"
- 12 May: Daniel Goodman: : "MUTS: Manchester University Transactions for Scala"
- 19 May:Rishiyur S. Nikhil, CTO, Bluespec Inc. : A Declarative Language and Compiler for Hardware System Modeling and Design
- 23 June: Sergio Davies: "A forecast-based biologically-plausible STDP learning rule"
08 December: Ben Devlin: (Achronix / University of Tokyo)
"Asynchronous circuits for High-performance Energy Minimum Operation"