The Advanced Processor Technologies Research Group

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(APT Group Structure academic staff, research staff, technical staff, PhD students, visitors, alumni)
Academic Staff
- Steve Furber (Head of APT Group)
- Jim Garside
- John Goodacre (Part time)
- Dirk Koch
- Christos Kotselidis
- David Lester
- Mikel Luján
- Pierre Olivier
- Vasilis Pavlidis
- Pavlos Petoumenos
- Oliver Rhodes
Honorary Staff
- Barry Cheetham (Fellow)
- Alasdair Rawsthorne (Emeritus)
- Ian Watson (Emeritus)
- John (Viv) Woods (Fellow)
Research Staff
- Christian Brenninkmeijer
- Simon Davidson
- Nguyen Dao
- Donal Fellows
- Nikolaos Foutris
- Juan Fumero
- Andrew Gait
- Cosmin Gorgovan
- Michael Hopkins
- Dave Jackson
- John Mawer
- Andy Nisbet
- Kiriakos Paraskevas
- Luis Plana
- Andrew Rowley
- Jose P Saiz
- Maxime Schmitt
- Athanasios Stratikopoulos
- Will Toms
- Foivos Zakkak
Technical Staff
PhD Students
- Abdullah Alghamdi
- Moteb Alghamadi
- Andreas Andronoikakis
- Matthew Banks
- Horia-Mihai.Bujanca
- Guillermo Callaghan
- Swapnil Gaikwad
- Serhat Gesoglu
- Timothy Hartley
- Kostas Iordanou
- Min Jiang
- Ed Jones
- Abdullah Khalufa
- Charalampos
- Markos Kynigos
- Tuan La
- Joshua Lant
- Chen Li
- Gengting Liu
- Kristiyan Manev
- Eleni Maragkoudaki
- Richard Neill
- Nuno Miguel Nobre
- Orion Papadakis
- Michail Papadimitriou
- Luca Peres
- Adam Perrett
- Joseph Powell
- Salim Salim
- Alismail Shaden
- Merve Selcuk Simsek
- Emmanouil Skordalakis
- Osman Simsek
- Sara Summerton
- Chuanxin Tang
- Anuj Vaishnav
- Mollie Ward
- Maria Xekalaki
- Ruiqi Ye
- Jing Yu
Current Visitors
- Basabdatta Sen Bhattacharya
- Mahdi Jelodari (EPSRC fellowship)
- Alok Joshi
- Joanna Moy
Past Visitors
Ruben Alarcon
Jose Miguel Alonso
Graham Birtwistle
Erik Brunvand
Tiberiu Chelcea
Yunhua Chen
Hans van Gageldonk
Jin gang
Pedro Garcia-Fernandez
Mahdi Jelodari
Jingfei Jiang
Dong-Wook (David) Lee
Unai Lopez
Shannon V. Morton
Lars S. Nielsen
Steven M. Nowick
Ad Peeters
Hongguang Ren
Jose Perez-Carvasco
Per Torstein Røine
Martin Simlastik (last heard of at Broadcom, Vienna)
Montek Singh
Kamel Slimani
Alumni (and location if known)
Nafisa Ali Amir
Mohammad Ansari (last heard of at Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabi)
Mike Ashworth (retired)
John Bainbridge (last heard of at Qualcomm)
Andrew Bardsley (last heard of at ARM)
Colin Barrett (last heard of at Auvation)
Kenneth Bell
Nargis Bibi (last heard of at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Pakistan)
Petrut Bogdan (last heard of at Innatera)
Joy Bose (last heard of at Samsung R&D)
Linda Brackenbury (retired)
Charles Brej (last heard of at ARM)
Patrick Camilleri (now joined Entrepreneur First)
Paul Capewell (last heard of at ARM)
Yaman Cakmakci
Suckheui Chung (last heard of at AMD)
James Clarkson (last heard of at Dyson)
Caroline Concatto
Christian Cooper
Mike Cumpstey (retired)
Sohini Dasgupta (last heard of at ON Semiconductor)
Rhod Davies (last heard of at Vistorm)
Sergio Davies (last heard of at Sheffield Hallam University)
Bernard (Amanieu) D'Antras
Paul Day
Andrew Dinn (last heard of at Red Hat)
Norman Dowd (last heard of at Leeds Metropolitan University)
Andi Drebes
Doug Edwards (retired)
Chris Emmons (last heard of at ARM)
Aris Efthymiou (last heard of at University of Ioannina)
Ahmed El-Mahdy (last heard of at E-JUST (Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology))
Phil Endecott (now self-employed)
Matt Evans (last heard of at ARM)
Craig Farnsworth (last heard of at Peraso Technologies in Toronto)
Tomaz Felicijan (last heard of at Infineon Technologies)
Nick Filer (retired)
Francesco Galluppi (last heard of at Fondation Voir & Entendre, Paris)
Raul Garcia (last heard of at Intel Labs, Munich)
Garibaldi Pineda Garcia (last heard of at University of Sussex)
Paul Garnett
Mohsen Ghasempour (last heard of at Inclusive Technology Ltd.)
Dave Gilbert (last heard of at Red Hat)
Daniel Goodman (last heard of at Oracle, Cambridge)
Nicolae Grigore
Gabriel Fonseca Guerra (last heard of at Intel)
Martin Grymel (last heard of at Intel, Dublin)
Nitin Gupta (last heard of at Qualcomm)
Rahman Hassan ('financial services sector')
Jonathan Heathcote (last heard of at BBC R&D)
Isuru Herath (last heard of at ARM)
Daranee (Ying) Hormdee (last heard of at Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
Matthew Horsnell (last heard of at ARM)
Edson L Horta (last heard of at Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Dongwei Hu
Farideh Jalalinajafabadi (last heard of at Institute of Inflammation and Repair, University of Manchester)
Lilian Janin (last heard of at Illumina)
Chatchai Jantaraprim (last heard of at Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
Kim Jarvis (last heard of at IBM Research, Dublin)
Ian Jason (last heard of at Edinburgh Designs)
Xin Jin (Scott) (last heard of at ARM)
Alok Joshi (last heard of at Ulster University)
Charalampos ("Harry") Kalargaris (last heard of at Qualcomm)
Robert Kelly
Mukaram Khan (last heard of at NUST, Pakistan)
Abbas Kiasari
Chris Kirkham (retired)
Anthony Kleerekoper (last heard of at Manchester Metropolitan University)
Jamie Knight (last heard of at University of Sussex)
John Levon (last heard of at Sun / Oracle), oprofile author
Mike Lewis (last heard of at Axell Wireless)
Jianwei Liu (last heard of at ARM)
Qian (Anna) Liu (last heard of at aiCTX, Zurich)
Yijun Liu (Bill)
David Lloyd
Brendan Lynskey (last heard of at Blaize, Leeds)
M. Manjunathaih
Peter Marshall (last heard of at Red Embedded)
Rahul Mehra (last heard of at Red Embedded)
Mantas Mikaitis (last heard of at University of Manchester (Maths.))
Siamak Mohammadi (last heard of at University of Tehran, Iran)
Przemyslaw Mroszczyk (last heard of at Qualcomm, Ireland)
Andrew Mundy (last heard of at ARM)
Javier Navaridas (last heard of at University of the Basque Country)
Geoffrey Ndu (last heard of at Hewlett Packard Labs, Bristol)
Stephen Nicklin
Konstantinos Nikas (last heard of at National Technical University of Athens)
Matt Orlinski (last heard of at Fraunhofer, Bonn)
Eustace Painkras (last heard of at Kioxia, Oxford)
Mireya Paredes Lopez (last heard of at University of the Americas, Cholula-Mexico)
Cameron Patterson (last heard of in Leeds having 'changed jobs')
Nigel Paver (last heard of at Samsung)
Bala Padmanabhan
Oleg Petlin (last heard of at AMD)
Khoa Pham
Antoniu Pop
Alex Rast (last heard of at Oxford Brookes University)
Lihua Ren
Dom Richards (last heard of at School of Mathematics, University of Manchester)
Graham Riley (retired)
Peter Riocreux (last heard of at ARM)
Andrew Robinson (last heard of at Open-lx ip)
Andrey Rodchenko (last heard of at Apple Inc.)
Crefeda Rodrigues (last heard of at ARM (Manchester)
Ian Rogers (last heard of at Google)
Demian Rosas (memorial)
Preethi Sam (last heard of at ARM)
Henrik Scheuer (last heard of at Netronome)
Chris Seaton (last heard of at Shopify)
Basabdatta Sen (last heard of at Birla Institute of Technology & Science)
Wei Shao (last heard of at ARM)
Tom Sharp (last heard of at RIKEN Brain Science Institute)
Yebin Shi (last heard of at NVIDIA)
Shiv Sikand (last heard of at IC Manage)
Jeremy Singer (last heard of at University of Glasgow)
Julian Skidmore
Wei Song (last heard of at Information Engineering (Beijing) at the Chinese Academy of Science)
Alan Stokes (last heard of at UK Astronomy Technology Centre)
Evangelos Stromatias (last heard of at Medis medical imaging)
Indar Sugiarto (last heard of at Petra Christian University, Indonesia)
Wannarat Suntiamorntut (last heard of at Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
Sun Yen Tan
Luis Tarazona (last heard of at Intel, Munich)
Sam Taylor (last heard of at Paterson Institute)
George Theodoropoulos (last heard of at Durham University)
Steve Temple (last heard of at Mindtrace)
Ian Watson (retired)
Frank Weigel (last heard of at Microsoft)
Sebastian Werner
Chris Whitworth (last heard of at Microsoft Research in Cambridge)
Simon Wilkinson (last heard of at Adobe)
Greg Wright (last heard of at Qualcomm)
Crystal Wu
Jian Wu (last heard of at Marvell)
Zheng Xie (last heard of at Manchester Metropolitan University)
Juan Yan (last heard of at University of Warwick)
Shufan Yang (last heard of at University of Glasgow)
Kyoung Keun Yi
Paraskevas Yiapanis (last heard of at Manchester Metropolitan University)
Richard York (last heard of at ARM)
Zhongchuan Yu (Danny)
Chao Zhang (last heard of at TU Chemnitz)
Guangda Zhang (last heard of at National Airspace Management Centre, Beijing)
Zhen Zhang (last heard of at University of South Florida, USA)
Naweiluo Zhou (Jo) (last heard of at ????, Grenoble, France)