Dr. Mikel Luján
Royal Society University Research Fellow

Room number: IT-405
email: mikel.lujan@manchester.ac.uk
Tel.: +44 161 275 7275
Other contact details
Google Scholar: publications and citations
Ph.D. Computer Science 2002, University of Manchester
M.Phil. Computer Science 1999, University of Manchester
M.Eng. Computer Science 1998, University of the Basque Country EHU-UPV
Mikel Luján is a Royal Society University Research Fellow in
the School of Computer Science at the University of Manchester. He was born in San Sebastian (one of the most beautiful
cities in Europe) and first arrived in Manchester as an Erasmus student
in 1997.
Being in Manchester for his final M.Eng. year (degree awarded by the University of the Basque Country 1998),
he decided to stay on a bit longer and was awarded M.Phil. (1999) and Ph.D. (2002) degrees in
Computer Science by the University of Manchester. After graduation he worked as a
postdoctoral researcher in the Centre for Novel
Computing at the University of
Manchester. In 2005 Mikel crossed the pond and started working for Sun Microsystem Research
Laboratiories in California. Sun Microsystems was taking part in the Phase II of the DARPA
funded project HPCS and he worked for this project in the RunTime Executive group investigating
a software stack for Peta-scale architectures and developing new compiler technology for
runtime automatic parallelisation. In late 2006 Mikel returned back to Manchester as a Career Development Fellow (cf. Research Assistant Professor), but now
as a member of the Advanced Processor
Technologies Group. In October 2009 he started his Royal Society University Research Fellowship on how to co-design future many-core architectures and managed virtual execution environments.
Research Interests
Trying to summarize them into one question, it would sound something like how can we develop runtime compiler technology and computer architectures to obtain maximum benefit? Given the clear industrial trend towards many-core architectures, I am specially interested in addressing concurrency.
Prospective Phd Students
I am always interested in supervising motivated PhD Students in any of my research areas. You will find general information about studying for a PhD, applying and funding on our postgraduate web pages. If you want to discuss a possible PhD topic send me an email with the subject "APT PhD [your surname]".