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APT Advanced Processor Technologies Research Group

The Advanced Processor Technologies Research Group

SpiNNaker Overview

APT Group Publications

by Author

These are in reverse chronological order.
(Lists may not be comprehensive: these are the ones passed to/discovered by the webmaster.)

In some cases only more recent publications are shown on this page, in which cases a full list is linked at the bottom.

Steve Furber

Jim Garside

David R.Lester

Mikel Luján

Luis Plana

Steve Temple

Alexander Rast

Alasdair Rawsthorne

John V Woods

Nick Filer

Vasilis Pavlidis

Dirk Koch

Antoniu Pop

Javier Navaridas

Eva Navarro-Lopez

Simon Davidson

Michael Hopkins

Alan Stokes

Will Toms

John Mawer

Andy Nisbet

Christos Kotselidis

Abbas Kiasari

Linda Brackenbury

** LIST **

Doug Edwards

** LIST **

Chris Kirkham

** LIST **

Ian Watson

** LIST **