The Advanced Processor Technologies Research Group

Chris Kirkham: publications
- Clustering JVMs with Software Transactional Memory Support
- Improving Performance by Reducing Aborts in Hardware Transactional Memory
- On the Performance of Contention Managers for Complex Transactional Memory Benchmarks
- Profiling Transactional Memory Applications
- Steal-on-Abort: Improving Transactional Memory Performance through Dynamic Transaction Reordering
- Constraint Based Optimization of Stationary Fields
- Exploiting the Correspondence between Micro Patterns and Class Names
- Adaptive Loop Tiling for a Multi-cluster CMP
- Dynamic Analysis of Java Program Concepts for Visualization and Profiling
- Ranked reservoir sampling: an extension to the reservoir sampling algorithm
- A Study of a Transactional Parallel Routing Algorithm
- Optimizing Chip Multiprocessor Work Distribution using Dynamic Compilation
- Dynamic Analysis of Program Concepts in Java
- Supporting Higher Order Virtualization
- Loop Parallelisation for the Jikes RVM
- An Automatic Runtime DOALL Loop Parallelisation Optimization for Java
- JikesNODE and PearColator: A Jikes RVM Operating System and Legacy Code Execution Environment.
- A System for Running Loop Optimisation in the Jikes RVM.
- Exploiting Implicit Parallelism in Functional Programs with SLAM.
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