A hierarchical configuration system for a massively parallel neural hardware platform
F. Galluppi, S. Davies, A. Rast, T. Sharp, L. A. Plana, S. Furber
Simulation of large networks of neurons is a powerful and increasingly prominent methodology for investigate brain functions and structures. Dedicated parallel hardware is a natural candidate for simulating the dynamic activity of many non-linear units communicating asynchronously. It is only scientifically useful, however, if the simulation tools can be configured and run easily and quickly. We present a method to map network models to computational nodes on the SpiNNaker system, a programmable parallel neurally-inspired hardware architecture, by exploiting the hierarchies built in the model. This PArtitioning and Configuration MANager (PACMAN) system supports arbitrary network topologies and arbitrary membrane potential and synapse dynamics, and (most importantly) decouples the model from the device, allowing a variety of languages (PyNN, Nengo, etc.) to drive the simulation hardware. Model representation operates on a Population/Projection level rather than a single-neuron and connection level, exploiting hierarchical properties to lower the complexity of allocating resources and mapping the model onto the system. PACMAN can be thus be used to generate structures coming from different models and front-ends, either with a host-based process, or by parallelising it on the SpiNNaker machine itself to speed up the generation process greatly. We describe the approach with a first implementation of the framework used to configure the current generation of SpiNNaker machines and present results from a set of key benchmarks. The system allows researchers to exploit dedicated simulation hardware which may otherwise be difficult to program. In effect, PACMAN provides automated hardware acceleration for some commonly used network simulators while also pointing towards the advantages of hierarchical configuration for large, domain-specific hardware systems.