The Advanced Processor Technologies Research Group

Steve Furber: publications
- Synapse-Centric Mapping of Cortical Models to the SpiNNaker Neuromorphic Architecture
- Bio-inspired massively-parallel computation
- The SpiNNaker project
- Large-Scale Neuromorphic Computing Systems
- Neuromorphic sampling on the SpiNNaker and Parallella chip multiprocessors
- Efficient SpiNNaker simulation of a heteroassociative memory using the Neural Engineering Framework
- Large-scale simulations of plastic neural networks on neuromorphic hardware
- Brain-inspired computing
- Fast Predictive Handshaking in Synchronous FPGAs for Fully Asynchronous Multi-Symbol Chip Links. Application to SpiNNaker 2-of-7 Links
- Network traffic exploration on a many-core computing platform: SpiNNaker real-time traffic visualiser
- Transport-Independent Protocols for Universal AER Communications
- An efficient SpiNNaker implementation of the Neural Engineering Framework
- Accuracy and Efficiency in Fixed-Point Neural ODE Solvers
- Robustness of spiking Deep Belief Networks to noise and reduced bit precision of neuro-inspired hardware platforms
- Real-time event-driven spiking neural network object recognition on the SpiNNaker platform
- Live demonstration: Real-time event-driven object recognition on SpiNNaker
- ConvNets Experiments on SpiNNaker
- Breaking The Millisecond Barrier On SpiNNaker: Implementing Asynchronous Event-Based Plastic Models With Microsecond Resolution
- Scalable Energy-Efficient, Low-Latency Implementations of Spiking Deep Belief Networks on SpiNNaker
- Reliable computation with unreliable computers
- Live Demonstration: Handwritten Digit Recognition Using Spiking Deep Belief Networks on SpiNNaker
- Introducing SLAMBench, a performance and accuracy benchmarking methodology for SLAM
- A framework for plasticity implementation on the SpiNNaker neural architecture
- SpiNNaker: Enhanced multicast routing
- Towards Real-World Neurorobotics: Integrated Neuromorphic Visual Attention
- SpinNNaker: The world's biggest NoC
- A framework for plasticity implementation on the SpiNNaker neural architecture
- Optimising the Overall Power Usage on the SpiNNaker Neuromimetic Platform
- Real-Time Million-Synapse Simulation of Rat Barrel Cortex
- SpiNNaker - programming model
- Engineering a thalamo-cortico-thalamic circuit on SpiNNaker: a preliminary study towards modelling sleep and wakefulness
- Event-based neural computing on an autonomous mobile platform
- The SpiNNaker Project
- On Generating Multicast Routes for SpiNNaker, a Massively-Parallel System for Neural Net Simulation
- A real-time simulator of a biological visual system composed of a silicon retina and SpiNNaker chips
- Overview of the SpiNNaker system architecture
- SpiNNaker: Fault Tolerance in a Power- and Area- Constrained Large-Scale Neuromimetic Architecture
- Real-Time Interface Board for Closed-Loop Robotic Tasks on the SpiNNaker Neural Computing System
- Modeling Populations of Spiking Neurons for Fine Timing Sound Localization
- A location-independent direct link neuromorphic interface
- Spike-based learning of transfer functions with the SpiNNaker neuromimetic simulator
- Power analysis of large-scale, real-time neural networks on SpiNNaker
- Correctness and Performance of the SpiNNaker Architecture
- Live demonstration: Ethernet communication linking two large-scale neuromorphic systems
- SpiNNaker: A 1W 18-core System-on-Chip for Massively-Parallel Neural Network Simulation
- TO BUILD A BRAIN-Getting to the bottom of how our brains work is a monumental task, but some innovative computational tricks and a million ARM processors could help
- Live Demo: Spiking ratSLAM: Rat hippocampus cells in spiking neural hardware
- A Real-Time, Event-Driven Neuromorphic System for Goal-Directed Attentional Selection
- Managing Burstiness and Scalability in Event-Driven Models on the SpiNNaker Neuromimetic System
- Creating, documenting and sharing network models
- Modelling normal and impaired letter recognition: Implications for understanding pure alexic reading
- Large-Scale On-Chip Dynamic Programming Network Inferences using Moderated Inter-Core Communication
- A forecast-based STDP rule suitable for neuromorphic implementation
- Power-efficient simulation of detailed cortical microcircuits on SpiNNaker
- Analytical Assessment of the Suitability of Multicast Communications for the SpiNNaker Neuromimetic System
- Managing a Massively-Parallel Resource-Constrained Computing Architecture
- Population-Based Routing in the SpiNNaker Neuromorphic Architecture
- Visualising Large-Scale Neural Network Models in Real-Time
- Real Time On-Chip Implementation of Dynamical Systems with Spiking Neurons
- Event-Driven MLP Implementation on Neuromimetic Hardware
- SpiNNaker: A Multi-Core System-on-Chip for Massively-Parallel Neural Net Simulation
- Overview of the SpiNNaker system architectur
- The Impact of Technology Scaling in the SpiNNaker Chip Multiprocessor
- An Asynchronous Fully Digital Delay Locked Loop for DDR SDRAM Data Recovery.
- A hierarchical configuration system for a massively parallel neural hardware platform.
- "Serial" Effects in Parallel Models of Reading
- A forecast-based STDP rule suitable for neuromorphic implementation
- Scalable Communications for a Million-Core Neural Processing Architecture
- SpiNNaker: Design and Implementation of a GALS Multi-Core System-on-Chip
- Modelling circuit performance variations due to statistical variability: Monte Carlo static timing analysis
- Concurrent heterogeneous neural model simulation on real-time neuromimetic hardware
- Event-Driven SpiNNaker Simulation
- A Novel Programmable parallel CRC Circuit
- An Event-Driven Model for the SpiNNaker Virtual Synaptic Channel
- A forecast-based biologically-plausible STDP learning rule
- Managing Burstiness and Scalability in Event-Driven Models on the SpiNNaker Neuromimetic System
- Event-driven configuration of a neural network CMP system over an homogeneous interconnect fabric
- Distributed Configuration of Massively-Parallel Simulation on SpiNNaker Neuromorphic Hardware
- Representing and Decoding Rank Order Codes Using Polychronization in a Network of Spiking Neurons
- Maintaining real-time synchrony on SpiNNaker
- A General-Purpose Model Translation System for a Universal Neural Chip
- Interfacing Real-Time Spiking I/O with the SpiNNaker neuromimetic architecture
- STDP pattern onset learning depends on background activity
- Modeling Spiking Neural Networks on SpiNNaker
- A Novel Programmable parallel CRC Circuit
- Biologically Inspired Means for Rank-Order Encoding Images: A Quantitative Analysis
- Algorithm and Software for Simulation of Spiking Neural Networks on the Multi-Chip SpiNNaker System
- Implementing Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity on SpiNNaker Neuromorphic Hardware
- The Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neuron: A Platform for Synaptic Model Exploration on the SpiNNaker Chip
- Algorithm for Mapping Multilayer BP Networks onto the SpiNNaker Neuromorphic Hardware
- SpiNNaker: Effects of Traffic Locality and Causality on the Performance of the Interconnection Network
- Scalable Event-Driven Native Parallel Processing: The SpiNNaker Neuromimetic System
- Efficient Parallel Implementation of Multilayer Backpropagation Network on Torus-connected CMPs
- A communication infrastructure for a million processor machine
- The Amulet chips: Architectural Development for Asynchronous Microprocessors
- Adaptive Admission Control on the SpiNNaker MPSOC
- Biologically-Inspired Massively-Parallel Architectures - computing beyond a million processors
- A Multicast Routing Scheme for a Universal Spiking Neural Network Architecture
- Understanding the Interconnection Network of SpiNNaker
- A Token-Managed Admission Control System for QoS Provision on a Best-Effort GALS Interconnect
- Event-Driven Configuration of a Neural Network CMP System over a Homogeneous Interconnect Fabric
- Optimal Connectivity In Hardware-Targetted MLP Networks
- Evaluating Rank-order Code Performance Using A Biologically Derived Retinal Model
- A Universal Abstract-Time Platform for Real-Time Neural Networks
- Fault-Tolerant Delay-Insensitive Inter-Chip Communication
- A Programmable Adaptive Router for a GALS Parallel System
- System Level Modelling for SpiNNaker CMP System
SpiNNaker: The design automation problem
The Deferred Event Model for Hardware-Oriented Spiking Neural Networks
An Admission Control System for QoS Provision on a Best-effort GALS Interconnect
Virtual Synaptic Interconnect Using an Asynchronous Network-on-Chip
SpiNNaker: Mapping Neural Networks onto a Massively-Parallel Chip Multiprocessor
Efficient Modelling of Spiking Neural Networks on a Scalable Chip Multiprocessor
An On-Chip and Inter-Chip Communications Network for the SpiNNaker Massively-Parallel
Neural Net Simulator
The Future of Computer Technology and its Implications for the Computer Industry
A GALS Infrastructure for a Massively Parallel Multiprocessor
Neural systems engineering
Maximising Information Recovery from Rank-Order Codes
Sparse Distributed Memory using Rank-Order Neural Codes
The Design of a Dataflow Coprocessor for Low Power Embedded Hierarchical Processing.
Information Recovery from Rank-Order Encoded Images
On-Chip and Inter-Chip networks for Modelling Large-Scale Neural Systems.
High-Performance Computing for Systems of Spiking Neurons.
Future Trends in SoC Interconnect.
The Design of an Asynchronous Carry-Lookahead Adder Based on
Data Characteristics.
A spiking neural sparse distributed memory implementation for
learning and predicting temporal sequences.
An associative memory for the on-line recognition and prediction
of temporal sequences.
A system for transmitting a coherent burst of activity through a
network of spiking neurons.
- A low power
embedded dataflow coprocessor.
- Future
Trends in SoC Interconnect
- An Asynchronous On-Chip Network Router with Quality-of-Service (QoS) Support.
- A Sparse Distributed Memory based upon N-of-M Codes.
- The Design of a Low-Power Asynchronous Multiplier.
- Minimizing the Power Consumption of an Asynchronous Multiplier.
- Design and Analysis of a Self-Timed Duplex Communication System.
- The Design and Test of a Smartcard Chip Using a CHAIN Self-timed Network-on-Chip
- An Asynchronous Ternary Logic Signalling System
- An asynchronous low latency arbiter for Quality of Service (QoS) applications.
- Designing Robust Asynchronous Circuits
- An asynchronous copy-back cache architecture
- Quality of Service (QoS) for Asynchronous On-Chip Networks
- Prototyping a Digital Neural Network System-on-Chip using an Altera Excalibur Device
- A Low-Power Asynchronous Multiplier
- An Investigation into the Security of Self-timed Circuits
- Delay-Insensitive, Point-to-Point Interconnect using m-of-n codes
- CHAIN: A Delay Insensitive CHip Area INterconnect
- An Asynchronous Victim Cache
- Validating the AMULET Microprocessors
- Applying asynchronous techniques to a Viterbi decoder design
- Power Management in the AMULET Microprocessors
- Delay Insensitive System-on-Chip Interconnect Uning 1-of-4 Data Encoding
- A Low-Power Self-Timed Viterbi Decoder
- A Novel Area-Efficient Binary Adder
- AMULET3: a 100 MIPS Asynchronous Embedded Processor
- A Power-Efficient Duplex Communication System
- An Asynchronous Viterbi Decoder
- MARBLE: An Asynchronous On-Chip Macrocell Bus
- On-chip timing reference for self-timed microprocessor
- Kicking out the Clock
- AMULET3i - an Asynchronous System-on-Chip
- The design of the control circuit for an asynchronous instruction prefetch unit using signal transition graphs
- AMULET3 Revealed
- AMULET2e: An Asynchronous Embedded Controller
- The Design of an Asynchronous VHDL Synthesizer
- Asynchronous Macrocell Interconnect using MARBLE
- Asynchronous Embedded Control
- Modelling and Simulation of Asynchronous Systems using the LARD Hardware Description Language
- AMULET3: A High-Performance Self-Timed ARM Microprocessor
- Behavioural Modelling of Asynchronous Systems for Power and Performance Analysis
- AMULET1: An Asynchronous ARM Microprocessor
- Built-In Self-Test Design of Micropipelines
- AMULET2e: An Asynchronous Embedded Controller
- Britain needs Manufacturing
- Asynchronous Logic.
- Breaking Step - the Return of Asynchronous Logic.
- Design for Testability of an Asynchronous Adder.
- Dynamic Logic in Four-Phase Micropipelines.
- Four-Phase Micropipeline Latch Control Circuits.
- Scan testing of asynchronous sequential circuits.
- Scan testing of micropipelines.
- Designing Asynchronous Sequential Circuits for Random Pattern Testability.
- Designing C-elements for Testability.
- AMULET1: A Micropipelined ARM
- Transforming Architectural Models Into High Performance Concurrent Implementations
- The Design and Evaluation of an Asynchronous Microprocessor
- Breaking Step - the Return of Asynchronous Logic.
- AMULET1 - An Asynchronous ARM Processor.
- Computing without Clocks.
- A Micropipelined ARM
- Register Locking in an Asynchronous Microprocessor
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